Run Contests, Engage Employees
In today's dynamic and rapidly evolving business landscape, the value of well-informed employees cannot be overstated. Tadaang is an employee engagement platform and online contest platform that offers a range of contests to help companies share information, update knowledge, and test skills. Contest topics can be about the company, its culture, values, etc. Empower your employees and give them a chance to showcase their knowledge and win prizes.
Add Fun to Work
A little bit of fun at work would encourage and motivate your team to work harder and achieve more. It not only improves employee happiness but also improves communication, enhancing creativity, emotional well-being of the employee, and increases job satisfaction.
Engaging Employees
Regular engagement of employees at the workplace helps increase team performance, productivity, reduces work stress and burnout, and builds meaningful relationships and long-term loyalty.
Access Knowledge
Effective engagement facilitates a collaborative work environment allowing all employees to share knowledge, experiences, and insights.
Assess Employees
Contest results offer insights about employees and can be used as quality inputs for training purposes.